Sunday, October 5, 2014

October 4th, 2021

Even though I was being woken up every half hour or so by Nicholas, so much for sleeping.  Around 4, we had several knocks at the door.  A herd of draggers somehow made it to the hospital and were poking around.  Nick advised that I stay in bed, but I told him I'm more use up than down, but he insisted.  Carmello, being ex-military, was pretty much the resident zombie killer, and he would take care of clean up.  I insisted I was going to help him when Nick put an hand on my shoulder and tried  to push me back in bed.  I shrugged it off like a jacket to the ground and said I was going.

We counted seven of them, all greatly decayed but active due to immense hunger.  It wasn't until the fifth one was killed that the freshies came out from hiding.  They used the draggers as bait, waited until we started killing them and then attacked us.  I've killed so many of them now that it's automatic.  The instant they get in swinging range, their heads are crushed like overripe melons.  Carmello's weapon of choice is a nasty Russian combat machete called the Alligator, the same kind that Spetsnaz use.  It's a long blade with a larger rectangular end, and it's extremely sharp.  Carmello prefers to run up on the freshies, taking the fight to them.  He excels in close-quarters combat, being trained in Krav Maga. Every time the freshie lunges for him, he twists it around and off comes a body part as the Alligator snaps through it.  I go straight for the head, yet he gets pleasure out of dismembering them before he decapitates them.  Personally, I think it's risky to enjoy killing them that much, but I'm definitely not going to tell him that.

Dustin comes running outside to help us,  brandishing a sledgehammer, and arrives to see Carmello cleave the last rotten skull straight down the middle.  We joke to him saying, "Thanks for saving the day!", and in turn he flips us off followed by a grab to the crotch.  We head back to our rooms, and when I return to mine I'm greeted with a very irritated Nicholas.  He scorns me for exerting myself and said that I really should just stay in bed.  I told him the fresh air did me good.  To be honest, I kinda wanted to punch him in the head and give him his own headache. He wasn't really helping mine.

Seven o'clock comes and the sun's still struggling to get up with the rest of us.  The doc says that since I made it through the night, I should be in the clear.  Relieved, the first thing I do is go to Kat's room, where she's still sound asleep.  I gently wake her, hearing her waking moans, and I kiss her, but she waves me away.  She says, "No, ewww.... yuck.  I have morning breath!'  I told her I didn't care, but I know women do and you can't really do much about that.

We all went to the cafeteria, and Augustina was hard at work cooking us up pancakes.  PANCAKES!  I haven't had pancakes in forever!  I talked to Augustina for a little bit while she was preparing breakfast, and she explained to me that the kitchen is actually halfway decently stocked with a lot of basic staples; dry and canned goods that don't go bad for quite some time.  I asked her where they got it all from, and she said Dustin, Johnathan and Carmello did many, many supply runs.  Then I asked wouldn't it be harder with all the bridges blown up, and she said they have a boat they take back and forth, with a car on the other side of the creek.  They load the boat up with the supplies they find

Breakfast, even though it consisted merely of pancakes, lasted for some time.  Now that I was awake and with the entire group, we talked for some time.  The first question I asked was directed to Dustin, and it was about why he went to so much trouble to blow up bridges if we still get attacks.  Carmello actually butted in and said we're protected from all sides, except from the west, so there's no way to get surrounded.  It was easier to manage attacks that way.

I asked Carmello some questions about his past.  As mentioned a few times, he's ex-military, and his unit was stationed in Niagra Falls on the New York Side, to keep infected people from Canada crossing over.  Their unit was taken by surprised as a flood of freshly turned zombies descended upon them, simply absorbing their fire like sponges to water.  It was the largest zombie attack he ever saw, and although he wasn't the only one to survive the initial attack, he was the only one that didn't end up getting bitten.  I assume he has Class 3 immunity to the vivensmortua virus, just like to me, to be so up close and personal with fighting zombies.  I saw how much blood covered him when we fought them this morning.  In fact, I have a feeling we pretty much all are Class 3s.  I know Kat is, as she was covered in their blood a few times when we first met. Speaking of Kat, I reached for her hand and we held while we continued to talk.

Francois seems like a very intelligent guy, favoring political science and math.  His story is he was teaching in North Carolina when a student suddenly doubled over out of his chair and began to vomit on the other students, instantly infecting them.  The students were sent home to clean up, but within hours, the one that was sick turned and killed and ate his parents.  The next day, the students who were vomited on returned to class, and turned within seconds of each other and began biting everyone in the school, student and teacher alike.  Francois ran through the panic, and fled as far as he could until he ended up here.

Timothy's a self-proclaimed zombie expert.  He worries me a little bit, because I don't think he fully understands that zombies are real.  He watched zombie movies at a very young age, something like three or four, and all he would read and watch about were zombie-themed books, movies and TV shows, but it proved to be useful.  A lot of what was done in fiction can actually be applied in real life.  The basic rules I gave you at the start of this journal are all rules that we abide by here.  Timothy has no fear of them, but he's frail and simply runs from them instead of fighting them.  He was in a comic book store in Tennessee when he saw the first attack and instead of running for his life, he actually took a selfie of himself with a zombie eating someone behind him!  He said he'd have shown me the picture if he still kept his phone.

Judith, the mechanic, and her daughter Sandra were on the beach in Delaware with one of Sandra's friends when they saw a body wash ashore.  Sandra's friend ran to see it but before anyone could stop her, the body came alive and bit her in the throat.  They lost their husband and father to the airborne strain.  I've already talked about how gifted Sandra is with her art, but Judith tells me she's just as gifted with a socket wrench.  She can repair pretty much anything that has wheels.

Hector's an entertainment lawyer from Detroit, Michigan.  He mainly worked with rappers among other entertainers. He was at record release party hosted by MC Yung Gunz, where one one of his bodyguards began to have a coughing fit, spraying droplets of saliva and blood into the air.  Without realizing it, he infected hundreds of people who would wake up in the morning feeling sick and shortly turn into zombies.  Detroit was one of the first major cities that succumbed to the outbreak.

Nicholas is the only native here.  He's been working at the hospital for seven years as a gastrointestinal surgeon, but was forced to quickly expand his knowledge of medicine when the floodgates opened.  So many sick people came into the hospital, coughing, bleeding from orifices and open sores and vomiting everywhere.  With such a shorthanded staff, it was impossible to keep the hospital clean.  Previous patients who didn't get infected by the newly turned were quickly eaten by them.  Nick's partner Grahame had the unfortunate timing to surprise him with lunch, but was attacked in the parking lot and became lunch himself  I know Nick has already snapped from the pressure of trying to keep so many people alive, but he's doing very well at trying to hide it.  He has the eyes of someone whose given up inside, but the mind keeps the body moving.

Jonathan owned and ran a Home Depot in Zanesville, OH and was nearly trampled to death when he tried to close his gates as a crowd of people tried to loot his store.  People stripped his shelves of lumber faster than bulldozers clear cut forests and every tool was picked clean.  He was taken to the hospital to be treated for his injuries where an overworked doctor nearly coughed up a lung on him before he could cover his mouth.  If it wasn't for being Class 3 immune, Johnathan would be roaming the streets of Zanesville looking for his next meal.

Although Dustin doesn't claim to be, he appears to be the leader of the group.  He makes the majority of the decisions and delegates responsibilities to people so that things end up getting done.  He's actually from Maine himself, and said he got out of the state before everyone else did.  Lucky him.  He's also the oldest of the group.  I'd have to peg him at 55-60, but he's also the strongest, most likely able to take down Carmello if he ever gets him in a bear hug.

Out of the entire table Cheyenne is the one I want to know the most about it, because I know the least about her.  Throughout the entire morning's conversation, she was quiet.  She never spoke up to add her story, or to chime in when others were sharing their experiences.  All she did was stare at me, and Kat picked up on that squeezing my hand hard.  I looked at Kat and saw a heated expression on her face towards Cheyenne but Cheyenne didn't notice.  I pumped Kat's hand a few times to let her know it's OK, to ignore her for now.  I think Kat's worried because Cheyenne is incredibly attractive.  I told her later when we talked that I'm not just attracted to looks, that I also need personality, and that helped calm her down a bit.  But back to Cheyenne, when I asked her about her story, she simply shook her head and then stared down at her plate, her pancakes untouched.  Augustina said not to worry about her, that she's been very shy since she arrived, and I left it alone.

I'm almost out of battery life, but I want to add something.  This next part will be a bit... steamy so if you embarrass easily, simply skip it.  I need to write this down for myself, because if I continue to lose more of my memory like I did with numbers, I want to have at least this one.

Kat and I are continuing to grow closer.  We actually showered together.  Believe it or not, this hospital has running water, a system of pipes Johnathan rigged up to generator powered pumps.  I saw Kat completely naked for the first time, and what I noticed was that she was gaining weight.  I almost couldn't see her ribs this time.  Back when I had her strip for me to check for bite marks. I was worried that she was going to wither away.  It's nice to see her getting healthier.  She has a wonderful body, so perfectly symmetrical.  Her breasts are the absolute right size, not too small and not too big, and she has the most unusual birthmark under her left nipple.  It looks like a star, almost.  I had to apologize to her for playing with it as long as I did.  What I love most about her body is it's completely tattoo free.  Don't get me wrong, I love tattoos. I enjoy art of all sorts, but a woman who is unpainted these days is a rare woman.  I respect her highly for that.

We washed each other and kissed each other and fondled each other.  She has such an irresistible moan when I place my fingers just slightly in her.  When she grabs me, she strokes me so gently as if I'm being caressed by a goddess.  Her hands rubbing all over my body mellowed me out to the point where I haven't been this relaxed since before the outbreak when I was ... with Johanna... Wow, I suddenly feel like shit now.  I've been falling for Kat so hard that I completely forgot about Johanna. I'm not going to go into any further detail, but you can easily guess the rest.  Now I feel incredibly guilty, yet I'm still laying next to Kat....

I'm just going to close by saying that tomorrow I'm going to join Dustin and Carmello to do a sweep of the area to the west.  We're going to look for draggers before they happen across us again.

Until tomorrow.

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