Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October 1st, 2021

Hi there.  This is Katerina, or how Martin's been calling me, Kat.  I wanted to write in this blog today to let you know what's going on.  Martin didn't wake up this morning.  I nudged him, shook him and started yelling in his ear but he didn't respond.  I screamed for help, and the doctor, Nicholas, came in with a couple of other people, and they checked him for his vitals.  They found a pulse, and he was breathing, but his eyes were completely unresponsive.  Nick says he's in a coma.

Hearing that put me in hysterics and then they had to tend to me to get me breathing right.  I just can't believe this is happening!  We JUST found each other and now he's in a coma!  Now it's MY turn to feel guilty!  He felt so bad for scaring me away and I got injured as a result, and now he got injured trying to find me!  When he hit his head a couple days ago at the golf course and then yesterday when the zombie attacked him, it must have been a concussion and it set in when he went to sleep last night.  He was totally fine last night!  I asked Nicholas why he didn't check him over, but he said Martin didn't complain of any headaches, so Nick thought he was fine.

What a role reversal, huh?  He's now laying in a bed next to me.  Oh, and you might be wondering how I am doing?  I'm doing fine.  Well, fine as fine can be anyway.  Dustin's car, that beat up land boat Lincoln of his, broke my left tibia and ankle.  I've been doing nothing but laying in this bed since he hit me four days ago.  He still feels awfully bad about it, but I keep telling him I forgive him.  I told him I'm strong and that I'll heal up in no time.  I tried to move my ankle around to show him, but my yelp in pain betrayed me.  We both laughed about it.

I really miss my grandmother, though.  Her name was Pauline, and she would have been 74 on the 13th of this month. Last time I saw her, she suffered a stroke that left the right side of her immobile, but talking to her, you'd swear she was oblivious to the fact.  Her spirit is just insanely strong.  She raised me more than own mother did.

As much as I'm starting to care for Martin, I really wish I didn't meet him. I wanted to keep moving to Florida, to find her, but Martin's right.  I would have died out there.  He saved my life enough times as it was.  I like to think I'm strong, but it doesn't matter how strong I am if I keep doing clumsy things, like,not walking far enough off the side of the road.

But my grandmother.  I want to find her!  I have to know if she's ok!  Maybe if - no, when - Martin wakes up, I'll talk to him about going to Florida before we head to California.  I don't know, though.  He's trying to find his own family.  Would that be selfish of me?  What if we don't find her and either he or I die in the process?  Would that be wasteful?  Or should we even bother traveling anymore?

We have people here at the hospital.  We have food and water stockpiled, enough to last us through the winter.  Dustin said he blasted all the bridges around us so that none of the zombies can make it to us, so this place feels safe.  But I know there are zombies still around here.  After all, one attacked Martin when he made it to the other side of the creek.  Maybe no place is really safe.  We should really be with the ones we love, even if it gets us killed.

Not like I can go anywhere even I want to, not with this cast on me.  I can walk with crutches, but what happens if we get attacked by zombies?  Is Martin supposed to carry me and run away from them?  Draggers, maybe, but definitely not freshies!  I'm going to have this thing on me until at least November.  It's already being decorated by Sandra.  She's a 12 year old girl, daughter of Judith McClement.  Judith used to live in Connecticut with her daughter and was travelling out west to Michigan until they found this place and took up residence as they got tired of moving.

We have a total of 13 people living in the hospital.  Dustin you already know.  The doctor, Nicholas, I thought had a thing for me, until I found out he was gay.  He was just extremely friendly.  The two others that helped Martin, their names were Francois and Hector, a teacher and a lawyer respectively.  We have a professional chef named Augustina, who is simply a magician with local ingredients we find around here!  Judith the mechanic and her daughter Sandra.  Sandra's such a lovely child, and from the looks of these flowers all over my cast, she's going to be a fantastic artist.  Carmello is ex-military and helped Dustin with blowing up the bridges.  Johnathan's a carpenter, plumber, well, pretty much an all around handyman.  Cheyenne won't reveal her past, though.  She's extremely attractive, and there's only two things I can think of that she used to do which she wouldn't want to share.  Either she was a prostitute or a porn star.  With a name like Cheyenne, I'm almost sure of it!  Timothy actually studies zombies and has been fascinated by them ever since they started appearing.  Him and Nicholas do a lot of researching whenever they can as they try to figure out if there's a way to cure whatever this is.  Martin and I make 13.

And I guess I better give you a survival tip today since Martin always seems to do that.  He didn't write about it yesterday, but he keeps his tablet in in a Zip Lock baggie.  I bet you were probably thinking, "How is he able to write in his tablet if he fell in the creek!"  Well smarty pants, baggies!  That's how!  You should always, always, always, keep important stuff in baggies even if you don't think you'll get wet!  He's a smart man.  I read all his entries and am just so amazed that he's still alive, I guess if you call being in a coma alive.  I really hope he's going to come out of it soon.

I forgot to take the tablet out in the sun today, so I'm using the spare battery.  I don't want to use up all the power in case Martin wakes up and wants to add something of his own, so I'm going to end it here.  I'm glad I got to write a little about myself here, but I just wish it was under different circumstances.  After I turn this off, I'm going to have Nick push our beds together so I can hold Martin's hand while I lay down.

Until tomorrow, as Martin would say.

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