Friday, October 3, 2014

October 3rd, 2021

I awoke in the evening to a mobile of paper flowers made from plastic straws and string.  Each flower was drawn with such detail as if it could grow from the paper itself.  These, I'm told, were drawn by a young girl named Sandra.  I also awoke to a long and passionate kiss from Kat.  I had her worried and just about everyone else here in town, if a hospital can really be called a town.  I can't get that kiss out of my head.  I swear, if it wasn't for Nicholas coming into my room to check on me shortly after I came to, that kiss would have led to something more.

Kat hasn't left my side since I woke up.  My head hurts now.  A lot.  Even with all the aspirin Nick had in stock, it still throbs.  He did all the checks on me.  What day is it?  What's my name?  Who were my parents.  The only thing I couldn't remember were numbers.  I didn't know my bank account number, my phone, my social security number, even my birthday.  I lost my wallet a long time ago, so I have no ID with me, so guess what?  I don't fucking know how old I am! As much as it frustrates me that I can't remember anything to do with numbers, at least I remember everything else.

I went through my journal just to make sure that I remembered everything that happened to me since I started writing it.  Yes, everything is still vividly clear, including that embarrassing country club incident.  And it's just weird that that I can't remember any of the numbered highways and interstates I was on.  I remember the signs, but it's like someone painted over the numbers.  Those signs in my head are simply blank.

Tip for the day: CONTROL YOUR ANGER!  I'm not sure if it was from the first blow I suffered, or a combination with the second blow when I got attacked, but I'm pretty sure if I hadn't lost my cool, I wouldn't have injured myself and I wouldn't have been out for two days.  It's extremely important for you to keep your emotions in check.  Seems like I'm great at giving advice, but not taking it.

I also remembered the tip I gave about long hair, and how you shouldn't have it.  Katerina's red hair reaches almost midway behind her back.  I don't know why I never thought to talk to her about cutting it, but I made sure that's one of the things I was going to rectify.  She obviously was reluctant, but she said she would and actually ended up passing the scissors to have me do it.

I helped her walk into the bathroom where she got into the tub and laid in it.  I sat down behind her, and it was a bit cramped, but being so close to her felt very natural, and wonderful.  I raised the scissors and asked if she was ready, and she hesitated for a few seconds, eventually nodding yes.  I began cutting her hair, hold it up past the nape of her neck, and cutting down as close to the root as possible.  I'm no barber, so giving her a beautiful styling was something I wasn't able to do.  I just wanted that grabbable hair gone.  About half way through, I felt her body heave a bit, like you do when you try to prevent yourself from breaking out into a sob.  I paused for a second, and told her it would be OK, and I cut again, until the last strand was severed.

Her neck was now bare, and she ran her hand against it.  Not feeling the weight of her hair any longer, she lost it and put her face in her hands and began to cry.  I put my arms around her and hugged her to me and rested my head next to hers.  She really loved her hair.  It was lustrous and healthy and such a shimmering red.  I loved it, too, and although not on the same level as her, felt her pain in removing it.  I then kissed her on the back of her fleshly exposed neck, and she turned it to look at me, then turned around as much as she could in the tub and crashed her head on my chest, and let go, nearly crushing me in a vice-like hug.  I kissed the top of her head and just held her.

It's undeniable now.  We've bonded, fallen for each other.  There is a chemistry between us, and I believe it's developed as a result of our shared situation.  I'm not sure this chemistry would have occurred had it not been for our separation.  We still know very little about one another, yet this moment we're sharing, all the kissing that we've been doing, it seems to be reflective of a couple being intimate with one another over the span of a lifetime.  I apologize.  This blog is getting rather mushy.

She didn't bring it up tonight, but I read about what she wrote in her entries.  She wants to go to Florida.  It's given me a lot to think about.  I still think we'd be safer in the Sierra Nevada mountains.  My parents are there - should be there - and they're born woodsmen.  They have a cabin and they know the area very well.  I highly doubt they'd let themselves get ambushed by zombies.  Besides, the odds of you being attacked are reduced the more isolated you are from civilization.  Where Kat wants to go, though, is far more uncertain.  She even believes herself that her grandmother might be dead, and has told me the place she was staying was already attacked.  I know she wants to go... but I don't think I can let her.  Not that it matters now, thanks to the cast.  It really is a pretty cast.

When I first arrived to Lock Haven, I only briefly met with the people who lived here.  Kat's done a great job with introducing them to you, but I've yet to really speak to any of them, except for Dustin and Nicholas.  When I awoke, everyone came in to say hello.  Augustina brought me a brownie she made using Jell-O chocolate pudding mix.  It was... unusual, but tasted pretty good.  Carmello came in with the rest of the group as they hunched around my bed, everyone saying how glad they were that I was awake.  Cheyenne, though, is the only person I'm worried about.  I read about her in Kat's entry, how her past is mysterious and gives off a vibe that Kat doesn't like. While everyone had smiles on their faces, Cheyenne's face was... hard to describe.  She was eyeing me, like she was trying to size me up.  If I didn't know any better, she almost had an expression of lust forming on her mouth.  I get why Kat's wary of her.  Something about her is off.

This headache I have right now won't go away, though.  It's actually hurting me to the point where I can't concentrate on this screen.  I want to try to get some sleep.  Now that I'm conscious again, Nick's going to have to check on me every half hour to make sure I don't go under again.  He says I can try to get some sleep, and I said, "Thanks.  That will be easy with you coming in and waking me up every half hour," but Kat said she'd be more than happy to.  I told her, "No, that's OK.  You've worried enough about me.  It's time for you to rest up.  Let the doc do his thing." She protested, but I shut her up with a kiss.  Nick took that as his cue to leave us.  We kissed a few more times, and after that, I practically had to order her to go into the next room so she wouldn't be interrupted by Nick's constant checking on me.  I promised she could come in first thing tomorrow morning.  I'll also be talking to everyone a bit more tomorrow as well.

Until tomorrow.

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