Monday, October 13, 2014

October 13th, 2021 (Morning)

I didn't do an entry last night because I've fallen sick.  I've developed a fever, became light-headed and actually threw up once.  It caused quite a scare.  Timothy almost shot me in the head saying that I was going to turn.  He had the gun pointed at me, cocked back and was close to pulling the trigger when Hector grabbed him from behind and Jonathan wrenched the gun from him.  Kat screamed at Tim saying that the only one would kill me for turning would be her.  And besides, not everyone who comes down with the flu will turn into a zombie.  The flu virus still exists, not just the vivensmortua.

I'm glad that Hector and Jonathan caught Timothy before he went through with his preventive killing. I'm actually a bit better this morning than I was last night, although I wasn't successful keeping breakfast down.  First thing I did this morning was check the scratches on my arm, and they're indeed healing.  I know I'm not infected, because it would have looked far nastier than it is now.  I just have the flu.

Timothy came to me and apologized for almost killing me.  I told him that I understood.  The way I was feeling last night, it seemed pretty convincing that I was going to turn.  After all, most people infected show these exact symptoms.  But I also explained to him that we're a very small group now, and that we have to look out for one another a lot more carefully as a result.  I also reiterated what Kat said; she's the only one that has the right to kill me.

Our plan yesterday was to hit the road again, but after adding all our fuel we had on board into the tank, the needle was barely past the halfway mark.  We decided to scout the area and see if we could find more fuel, but the mission was cut short as I started not feeling well.  We went back to the school and we just took a break for the day.

Sandra has left her mark already.  She found a box of colored chalk in the teacher's desk and she began drawing a spectacular landscape.  It was a hill with a solitary tree, its foliage a mix of golden browns, bright oranges and buttery yellows.  Flowers, her specialty, blanketed the grass so heavily, she didn't let a single blade poke through.  The sky was adorned with clouds, leaving a break for the sun to shine down on the tree.  In the sun, you could just barely make out a a face, and it was her mother, Judith.

Under the tree was the six of us.  Me and Kat had an arm around each other, and we each had a hand on Sandra's shoulders who stood in front of us.  Kat was drawn without a cast, and Sandra said she did it because she wanted this mural to be perfect, and a cast isn't perfect.  Jonathan and Hector were next to us, and Timothy was at the end.  He was making a zombie face holding his arms straight out.  Sandra said she drew him making that pose because she always thought Timothy was a silly man.  It only took her an hour or so to completely cover the giant blackboard.  A part of me wants to make it out of here just to see Sandra grow up and become a world famous artist.

We found a stack of board games in the classroom's craft closet.  Hector grabbed a chess set and challenged me to a game of chess, but I said I wasn't feeling up to it, so he asked Jonathan to play.  He did, and I discovered that both of them were excellent chess players.  The game went on for a few hours, with Hector barely able to get a checkmate in with just a queen and a knight left.  Kat played Chutes and Ladders with Sandra and lost.  Kat put on a crybaby act and made Sandra laugh out loud. Seeing the two of them interact is almost natural.  It's crazy to think of us as a family in this fucked up world, but the more we're around each other, the more I see it.  We're a family.

Jonathan and Hector took off to explore the school and I stayed behind to rest.  They came back empty handed, though.  The cafeteria was looted of every scrap of food.  We had plenty in the ambulance, so they went to get some.  They brought some canned soups, but I passed on dinner, and everyone ate to the low light of the Solar Flare.

I'm hoping I can feel better soon, because I want to go out with Jonathan, Hector and Timothy to look for gas today, but that doesn't sound likely.  They're ready to go pretty soon and besides, there's three of them, seasoned scavengers by now.  They don't need me.  So, I'm going to end this and get back in bed.  My aim is to be rested and ready to hit the road tomorrow.

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