Friday, October 17, 2014

October 17th, 2021

I woke up to darkness.  The last thing I remember was inspecting the barn while Hector was out checking one of the silos.  I remember seeing basic tools in the barn like pitchforks and shovels when I felt someone grab me from behind.  I remember feeling an intense pressure on my neck until I passed out.  Now I'm here.

I can only guess that I'm in a cellar.  I don't know if this is the same cellar I saw when we approached the house yesterday.  I felt around in the pitch black for what seemed like hours, but was probably just a few minutes.  I felt shelves and tables, a sink, tool racks and tripped over a pile of sticks where I fell and crushed a few of them.  I felt a drawer, opened it and came across a box of matches.  I lit one and to my disgust, those sticks were bones. Ribs, femurs, a couple of skulls.

Burning myself on the first match, I reached in the box, withdrew a second and lit it.  I quickly scanned for a lantern or a candle and spotted a four-armed candelabra.  All but one of the four candles were burned down to their wicks, so I lit the only one left, which is threatening to die out now as I'm writing this.

Speaking of writing, I'm writing on a ledger with a pencil that I found on the desk.  I took the candelabra with me and began scanning the room.  The table that I felt, it was stained with blood.  The sink was discolored with some kind of fluid.  The tool rack had a various assortment of tools from scythes to a nasty looking giant corkscrew.  They bore the dark marks of bloodstains, too.  It was seeing those tools that frightened me to my core.

Then I saw the doors at the top of the five step staircase and I raced to it.  Knowing they'd be locked but trying anyway, the doors wouldn't open.  I heard the chain banging against the doors in protest of me trying to ram them open.  I was going to continue, but then the fear kicked in again and I stopped.  If I drew the attention of whoever locked me down here, I may not ready for them.

This fear I'm feeling is new.  I've been fighting off zombies for close to a year and a half.  I've dealt with those menacing alphas, but those were threats that I could see.  Those were things that I had experience with. Being locked in this cellar, though, not knowing who or what is on the other side is seriously freaking me out.  Even holding this scythe I plucked off the rack gives me little assurance in being able to survive whatever comes through those doors.

And what kills me is not knowing what's happened to everyone else!  I don't know if they're alive or dead, or if they're harmed or locked up somewhere else on this property.  I haven't heard any screams, but who knows what that means.  All I can do now is just wait.  It really feels like that the zombies are no longer an issue.  I think other survivors are going insane.  I wonder if the virus isn't affecting our minds on some level.

The candle just died.  I'm writing this in the dark only by feel.  If I live to see tomorrow, I'm sure this page will be almost illegible.  And now I'm really starting to notice the stink.  I've smelled death before but not locked up in a stuffy cellar.  It's starting to make me nauseous.  I'm starting to hear shuffling going on outside  Sounds like someone's dragging something.

I shoul

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