Saturday, September 27, 2014

September 27th, 2021

this guy. this fuckin guy.  claims hes a survival expert or somethin.  some kinda max brooks. well let me give YOU a survival tip. dont be sleepin in a abandoned car out in the middle of nowhere where guys like me can smash a rock threw your window and reach in and grab your shit. dont listen to this guy, this fuckin moron. hell end up gettin you killed.

and if you wanna be hangin out in some car like mr martin fowler here, dont be doin nuthin to draw attention to yourself like righting in a tablet where anyone close enough to see you can see the glow on your face. werent for that id probably wouldnt even know he was in this car.  oh and he tried to grab his bag when i reached in and snatched it but he was too slow. was still dark and rainin and im a great runner!  no way is he finding me in the woods!

you want another survival tip? you wanna stay in a camoflauged hideout cuz the zombies aint the ones you need to worry about.  its people like me. were opportunists. thats how we survive. we prey on the strong, the ones who made as far as they did and got what they got. were like vultures but we dont wait for the animal to die. we pick it clean while its still movin. i say we cuz were a group of bandits. we also got the smarts to not camp together cuz if one of us gets seen, were all at risk.

my hiding spots in plain site but youll never know it cuz it looks just like everything else. like i said camoflauged area.  i actually have a pit dug into the hill and i got a door i made out of some pallets i found long time ago. attached a few bushes to it and my door blends right in.

im only writin in this journal cuz i think its fuckin amusin.  this guy, hardblooded killer he is, writin in a journal he found in a GIRLS BEDROOM. doesnt that strike you as....................... A PUSSY?! i should find this guy tomorrow and see what he made of. maybe i can have him get me more supplies. by the way, i got his bat. from readin this journal it musta seen a lotta action. bet you i show him some action and hell cry like a little girl and do whatever the fuck i want. speakin of girls i saw his girl the other day. only red head i saw on this highway so had to be her. she got hit by a car, the dumb bitch. wasnt over far enough and the driver wasnt payin attention or somethin but didnt kill her. instead he got out and put her in the backseat and drove off. so yah another tip for you. stay off the goddamn street!

you just watch. tomorrow, i'm gonna look for him. gonna have me some fun.  this guy, pretty damn fuckin amusin.  always endin his shit with "until tomorrow if there is a tomorrow".  melancholy overdramatic asshole.

oh yeah and my names greggo. paul greggo. prey you dont find this journal on me as a zombie cuz i promise you ill be a tough sonuva bitch to kill.

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