Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 13th, 2021

Remember how I told you not to eat junk food?  A day later, I'm already a hypocrite.  I ransacked this family's house's food pantry and came across something I haven't had in a couple of years.  Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  Of course, there's no milk to go with it.  Still, CTC is great right out of the box.  There's something to be said about eating well to keep fit, and then eating something bad but delicious just to raise your spirits.

I want to tell you a little more of what I know about the virus.  I know that it killed about 80 percent of the world's population thanks to the airborne strain.  As I mentioned last night, the outbreak was being reported, but no one took it seriously enough.  The virus mimicked the flu, showing symptoms of fever, nausea and aches and pains.  People thought it was flu season come early, and it took only a handful of people from America traveling to other continents to spread the virus even further.

Since most people are susceptible to the flu, they contracted vivensmortua quite easily.  Those who were immune to the airborne strain tried to treat these patients, unaware of what they were dealing with.  The incubation period is the same as the flu, roughly two or three days before symptoms begin showing.  At that point, many people become sick and their conditions quickly worsened.  They become short of breath, have violent muscular seizures and eventually undergo cardiac arrest.  The virus then immediately affects the brain's chemistry, rebooting it if you will.  An insatiable hunger followed by aggressive behavior causes the newly resurrected body to attack and bite and feed on whoever it encounters first.

Once the body becomes reanimated. the previous conscience is wiped clean.  The virus now controls the host body, and makes it do what it needs to further propagate itself: attack and feed.  It mutates and splits into two more strains; the blood borne and the saliva born.  As more and more people were bit by the people they were trying to help, the more those who were immune to the airborne strain began to become infected.  This is why the world's population began to dwindle at such an alarming rate.  The blood borne virus ensured that anyone not being bit would be infected by blood splatters when the host bodies were being attacked at close range.  All it would take is a paper cut or cracked, dry skin for the blood borne strain to get into the person's system, and another person would become infected.

The blood borne strain copies itself quicker than the airborne strain, and has the ability to split itself into the airborne and saliva borne strains as well.  The saliva borne strain is able to copy itself exponentially, which is what would explain why bite victims turn into zombies in just a matter of hours.  It's an incredibly efficient, adaptable and resistant virus.

No one knows who created the virus, although there are theories.  Most people blame the government, a bioweapon test that went horribly wrong.  Some say it was a mutation of a virus that was being developed to fight cancer, or other chronic diseases.  There is of course the religious zealots that say it's God's wrath and Armageddon has befallen us all.  Voodoo practitioners feel that it was a curse rendered by one of their priests, wronged by society.  Then there's me.  I believe the virus is alien.  Of course, I have no evidence.  But in February of 2019, NASA received some samples from a Mars rover.  Very little information was revealed about the samples, only that they found a substance unknown in the Periodic Table.  I'd like to think it's just 2 and 2 put together. but for some reason, no one believes that the virus can be alien, yet the dead are rising and eating the living....

Another entry will have to come to a close due to shortness in battery life.  We've made a lot a progress in solar cell technology, but we still had a long way to go.  I left the tablet in the sun for seven hours today, and only got about 45 minutes worth of charge.  There's no power in the house here, unfortunately.  The owners' solar panels were ripped clean off the roof, most likely by looters, and whatever few houses in the neighborhood that had panels were also victimized.  With that said, I shall close.

Until tomorrow, if there is a tomorrow.

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