Tuesday, September 23, 2014

September 23rd, 2021

Remember when you were doing something hoping for results, and you would do it  repeatedly and nothing?  The one time you don't do it, that's when it bears fruit.  That's exactly what happened this morning.  We woke up around eight o'clock and left the car.  We've been in such a habit of searching every abandoned car for keys and trying the ones that had them but they never started.  That's when we found the LeSabre, we didn't even bother.

We just treated it as a shelter and nothing more.  We were about a half mile down I-80 when Kat said, "You know... wouldn't it be stupid if that car was the one that started?"  I honestly didn't want to go back to the car, but it was worth a shot, so we returned to it.  I checked the glove box, the side compartment and finally the visors and when I opened the driver's side visor, I was greeted with the clicking of keys as it fell into my lap.  I looked at Kat gawking, and she returned the stare with a smug look on her face.

"Don't get cocky," I told her.  "We don't even know if it will start."  She said it would.  She said this would be our lucky break.  We were owed this if there was a God, because "He can't keep dumping shit on good people!"  Some day, I'll write an entry in here with my exact feelings about God.

So, I put the keys in the ignition and turned it, and I heard the "Wurrr...wurrr...wurrr..."  We never even got that from any of the cars before!  I felt my whole body tense up with excitement, and my stomach bottomed out from anxiety of trying again.  I tried once more, and let it go even longer.  "Wurr....wurrr...wurrr...wurrr....wurrrrrrrRRRROOM!"  It came to life and we screamed in celebration, but Kat's high pitched yell nearly shattered my ear drums!

I couldn't believe it!  FINALLY!  A car that WORKS!  We can make real progress!  I checked the electrical, popped the hood and looked at the engine, but I don't know why.  I don't really know anything about cars so I had no idea what I was look for.  I leaned in anyway.  Maybe something obvious would stick out, until I got scared half to death when the horn went off!  I ended up hitting my head on the hood and yelled at Kat.  She giggled and apologized and said she couldn't help herself, but still furious, I chastised  hereven more saying, "YOU WANT TO BRING US ANYMORE FUCKING ZOMBIES?!  Don't honk that horn again!"

That was the stress talking.  I never used to be so quick to anger, but I really lost it and I saw instantly the damage my outburst did.  There was an intense look of fear in her face, and I suddenly remembered just yesterday, I told her I killed someone out of anger.  I held my hand to my face and pinched my nose, and tried my best to apologize but she started tearing up, frightened of me and she looked the doors.  I asked her to unlock the door, but she wouldn't.  I kept telling her I was sorry for the outburst, promising her I wasn't going to hurt her.  I was pulling at the handle, and I guess that's what finally triggered her flight response.  With my hand still on the door, she slammed on the gas peeling out, pulling me forward a few feet where I lost my grip on the door and landed face first on the pavement.  My forehead and nose are pretty scratched up right now

I just laid flat on the ground and watched Kat drive off.  I didn't care that I just lost the car; I lost her, someone whose company I was just starting to appreciate.  She was only joking around, trying to have a little fun when fortune finally favored us, and I blew it.  I honestly can't blame her.  I was aggressive towards, and her survival instinct took over.  I probably would have done the same thing.

Just before the car approached the vanishing point, I saw the break lights come on.  I was hoping maybe she realized what she was doing and was going to turn around, but I heard the door open and slam, and then she took off again.  I got up, dusted myself off, took off my shirt, and began dabbing at the road rash on my face.  My nose is pretty damn fucked up right now.  It's a deep gash, maybe needing stitches.  I just held the shirt to my face and started walking again.

I saw why she stopped before.  My bag was on the road.  At least she had the decency to do that.  The most important thing in that pack was the journal.  The food, the water.  I could find all that again, but this tablet, writing into it.  It really does help.  But, I need more help than just writing in a journal.  I wonder if I can find a therapist who hasn't been eaten yet.

I took out a bottle of water and poured it on a clean patch of my shirt and wiped my face as best as I could without triggering every nerve ending in my body.  I took a roll of bandages out and wrapped it around my face and tied it behind my back.  No mirrors around, so I couldn't see how ridiculous I looked, but no people around either, so it didn't even matter.

All I can do now is just keep walking.  I walked roughly 10 miles or so, just not even having the heart to try anymore abandoned cars.  I knew I was passing up on opportunities, but I just didn't care.   I came across Erdman Nursey and Landscaping.  I was actually surprised to see a freshie come out of from behind the main building.  He charged at me, but he picked the very wrong day to attack this guy.  My bat was primed, held at the ready like a batter waiting for the pitch.  Just as he reached out for me, I swung the bat right into his head as it passed clear through the top of his skull spilling his rotten grey matter all over the parking lot.  This brought another, and it was back to back home runs.  I listened for any more, but didn't hear anything.

I approached the store's front door when it happened.  A freshie fell on top of me from the roof.  It was all I could do to get my bat up to my face and I did it in the nick of time.  He bit at me, and bit the bat instead, and I heard the sickening sound of teeth shattering.  I used this opportunity to push the bat forward, butting him in the head, but he wasn't fazed.  He actually pulled the bat away from me, and I held on with one hand when I saw him go for it.  I let go just as he bit where my hand was.  He tasted nothing but air, and lost his balance falling backward when I let go.  I got up, but he was quicker and now he had my bat.  He did something I never seen any zombie do before.  He USED it against me!  He swung at my head like I've been doing to zombies all along and I raised my arm to block.  I'm guessing the zombie didn't know what to really do with a weapon, because any human would have swung again right away.  I used his hesitation to grab the bat from him, but he was already lunging at me when I took it.  I ducked and let his body sail over me and I came up and flipped him over me on his back.  I drove my bat down on his head like a piston, and then raised it over my head and brought it down hard for good measure.  I then check the store for any others.  Not finding anything, I decided to bed here for the night.

Before I sign off, I just want to say two things to you.

  1. Do your best to keep your emotions in check.  People are important to have around with, and you never know how fragile someone is.  They might leave you in a moment's notice, or if they have the capacity, they could kill you just to improve their survivability by eliminating who they believe to be a threat.  They can also be great to just have around and talk to and help raise your spirits.  I miss Kat already.. .
  2. Don't think you know everything there is about zombies.  They can still surprise you.  I've never, ever seen a zombie use a weapon before.  I doubt the draggers would be able to use one, but the freshies I believe have the capacity to learn; to analyze.  It could be part of their hunting instincts.  It's a good thing their bodies rot, because if they didn't, and they continued to keep their heightened strength and speed while also growing smarter, none of us would have survived by now.  Always stay on your toes. 
Until tomorrow, if there is a tomorrow.

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